
For transactions processed by the Card-Present (CP) gateway on Zone, the response codes in Field 39 of the ISO8583 response messages indicates the success or failure of the request. In general, a response code of 00 indicates success while response codes other than 00 indicates failures for different reasons based on the description and the context of usage.

00Approved or completed successfullyThis indicates that request was processed successfully
01Refer to card issuer
02Refer to card issuer, special condition
03Invalid merchant
04Pick-up card
05Do not honor
07Pick-up card, special condition
08Honor with identification
09Request in progress
10Approved, partial
11Approved, VIP
12Invalid transaction
13Invalid amount
14Invalid card number
15No such issuer
16Approved, update track 3
17Customer cancellation
18Customer dispute
19Re-enter transaction
20Invalid response
21No action taken
22Suspected malfunction
23Unacceptable transaction fee
24File update not supported
25Unable to locate record
26Duplicate record
27File update edit error
28File update file locked
29File update failed
30Format error
31Bank not supported
32Completed partially
33Expired card, pick-up
34Suspected fraud, pick-up
35Contact acquirer, pick-up
36Restricted card, pick-up
37Call acquirer security, pick-up
38PIN tries exceeded, pick-up
39No credit account
40Function not supported
41Lost card
42No universal account
43Stolen card
44No investment account
51Not sufficient funds
52No check account
53No savings account
54Expired card
55Incorrect PIN
56No card record
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not permitted on terminal
59Suspected fraud
60Contact acquirer
61Exceeds withdrawal limit
62Restricted card
63Security violation
64Original amount incorrect
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency
66Call acquirer security
67Hard capture
68Response received too late
75PIN tries exceeded
77Intervene, bank approval required
78Intervene, bank approval required for partial amount
90Cut-off in progress
91Issuer or switch inoperative
92Routing error
93Violation of law
94Duplicate transaction
95Reconcile error
96System malfunction
98Exceeds cash limit