The potential errors returned when you make any call to Zone’s API and their additional information are as follows:
Code | Message | Description |
01 | Invalid institution code | You provided the wrong institution code when retrieving API key using the wrong bank code. Try again |
02 | Missing institution code | It seems like you didn’t input your institution code. When registering an institution. Try again |
03 | Institution already exists | Don’t repeat this process. We have this institution on Zone already. |
04 | Address already exists | This address already exists on our database |
05 | Invalid institution address | Seems like you provided the wrong institution address. Try again |
06 | Missing institution address | It seems like you didn’t input your institution address |
07 | API key already exists for institution | An API has been generated by this institution. |
08 | Institution does not exist | This institution is not currently registered in Zone. |
09 | Invalid beneficiary bank code | The recipient’s institution code is incorrect |
10 | Invalid beneficiary account number | You inputted an incorrect recipient’s account number when doing Name inquiry. Try again! |
11 | Invalid name inquiry reference | You provided an invalid name inquiry reference! |
12 | Invalid amount | You input an invalid amount during funds transfer. Let’s try that again. |
13 | Duplicate transaction reference | This is a duplicate transaction reference. You can retry after one minute. |
14 | Invalid transaction reference | This reference does not match any transaction record. |
15 | Insufficient funds | You do not have sufficient funds for this transaction! Please fund an account and try again. |
16 | Invalid transaction reference supplied | An invalid transaction reference was provided. Please try again |
17 | Missing transaction reference | It seems like you didn’t input your transaction reference. Try again |
18 | Invalid transaction reference | The transaction reference MUST be a minimum of 3 characters and maximum of 20 digits. |
19 | Incorrect account number | You inputted an incorrect recipient’s account number when doing Name inquiry. Try again! |
20 | Incorrect transaction reference | You inputted a transaction reference that exceeds 10 alphanumeric characters |
21 | Invalid currency | You were not registered for this currency. Please input an accurate currency |
22 | field is required | The stated field and value need to be supplied. Try again! |
23 | Transfer amount exceeds balance | Your Transfer amount exceeds your currently balance. Kindly fund your account |
24 | Receiving institution not approved for this currency | Receiving institution not approved for the given currency |
25 | Invalid Narration | The narration MUST be a maximum of 30 characters |
27 | Account not found | The account number passed does not exist. Kindly confirm account number and try again. |
28 | Invalid payload signature | The payload signature is invalid. |
32 | No fee configured | No fee configured |
66 | Multiple validation errors occurred | |